Savings Clubs

Christmas Club

Our Christmas Club is a great way to take the stress out of the holiday buying season. The funds are transferred to your share account the third week of October. You can make deposits at your convenience, no minimum balance is required. Request a payroll deduction for a worry free Christmas! Yes, your Christmas club also earns dividends that are paid quarterly.

Vacation Club

Our Christmas Club is a great way to take the stress out of the holiday buying season. The funds are transferred to your share account the third week of October. You can make deposits at your convenience, no minimum balance is required. Request a payroll deduction for a worry free Christmas! Yes, your Christmas club also earns dividends that are paid quarterly.


Using payroll deduction, have your credit union VISA bill paid automatically. When you deposit the amount necessary per pay period to meet your minimum monthly payment, the office will make your payment in a timely manner. This will not only save you time, but will save you the cost of the check and postage. No minimum balance is required.

Other Clubs

  • Education
  • Home Improvement
  • Taxes
  • College
  • Insurance
  • Computer
  • Family
  • Kids

Retirement Calculator

Plan For Your Retirement:

Use these tools to help you plan for a comfortable retirement. Use the button below to access these tools.

Note: This button takes you to an external website.

Planning For College?

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) Can Help

If you are a Pennsylvania resident, this is the first place you should look for advise on planning and paying for college.

Click on the PHEAA logo at right to access planning tips and tools.


Note: Clicking this logo will take you to an external website.

Not for profit, not for charity, but for service.