
Signature Loan

Need cash for an emergency? Need it fast? Borrow up to $7000.00 on your signature alone depending on credit score! No collateral needed! Risk-based rates vary, so give us a call for more details.

Co-Maker Loan

Do you need more than $7000.00? Borrow up to $7500.00 or $10,000.00 with a Co-Maker loan. The Co-Maker acts as collateral for this loan. Rates vary. Give us a call for current rates.

Share Secured Loan

You can borrow against your shares! Limits depend on your share balance. The interest rate will be at least 3% lower than the current Signature Loan rate. Shares will be held as collateral.

Automobile Loan

Need a new car? You can get a loan for a new or used automobile. The loan amount is determined by the book value or the invoice price. Rates and terms vary between the new and used vehicle loans.

Boat / Motorcycle / ATV Loan

Thinking about a new recreational purchase? A boat to watch the sunsets on the lake? An ATV for a more adventurous pastime? Loans are available for these purchases and more! Loan amounts are determined by the invoice price or appraisal value.

Auto Loan Calculator

Find Your Monthly Loan Payment:

Use these tools to help you figure out how much you can afford to borrow. You will need to know the interest rate and loan term (in months) and/or the original amount of the loan.

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Looking to Buy a Vehicle?

Don't do anything until you check out Kelly Blue Book Online!

Find out what you should pay for a vehicle, what your car is worth, and what vehicles are available near you. Kelly Blue Book will even help you find out which vehicle is right for you!

Click on the logo at right to access all the information you need to make an informed automobile purchase.

Kelly Blue Book

Note: Clicking this logo will take you to an external website.

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