Monday, May 22, 2006

Executive Director's Desk

"Prioritizing Your Needs"

As many of you know, Northwestern Legal Services (NWLS) is a private non-profit organization charged with assisting the citizens of a ten-county area in northwestern Pennsylvania in civil legal matters by direct representation, telephone advice and through community education and clinics.

By regulation of the Legal Services Corporation, a funding source, we are required from time to time to conduct a legal needs survey randomly distributed to past, present, and future clients as well as to lawyers, judges and human services providers throughout the area. Since it is not possible for us to handle every legal issue that may affect a low-income person, we are interested in gathering information that will help us prioritize these civil legal needs.

In addition to the surveys, our staff will also be conducting public discussions to solicit your input. Once we receive the surveys and other feedback, we will aggregate the results and provide information to our board of directors in order to draft new priorities. Once we have a draft, we will have several public meetings to discuss the draft priorities and to solicit further feedback. This process will tell us the types of cases that are of greatest need in our communities.

If you receive a survey in the mail, please take a few minutes to complete it and return it to us. If you are approached by one of our staff or board members, please take a minute to give your "two cents worth" so that we can assess your priorities for the coming years.

Thank you,

Robert A. Oakley, Esq.
NWLS Executive Director